Before BelL is gonna pissed off and whacked me.
LoL.*describing her in a really extreme way*
She's a nice girl actually.
Not those Ganas-ganas punyer lar.xD
We actually went help out at the career fair organised by Career Guidance Society.=)
and it was actually an easy task to handle.
we just need to duty for 4 hours.
LoL. and we get free shirt, lunch and cert.
I think we are better off somehow.^^
Our job scoop is just giving out evaluation form and chit-chat there.
xD the second one is our informal task lar.
Here's some pictures we took in the career fair.
Camwhore all the while.
*If Xue Yi saw this im gona kena from her *=P
OuR Helper TaG* JasmiNe*
and here's BeLL.
Our Gang *Bell.Zi Wei.Me.Jia Yit and Siow Chin.*
Me.Looking BluR xD
BeLL BelL.
Us In LRT*Wow.Her teeth shines X.X*
Here a stupid pic I took.
Ta-Daa~!! i broke into someone's locker=P
i think i better end here.
Before the thunder strikes my modem AGAIN.><
Well it stroke my modem yesterday,
luckily it survived.
Dont ask me why.
I kena scold from that but it turns out to be functioning.
WTH ><
But i gladful thou.
If not my dad sure gonna "chan ngo shiong tin fa ban".LoL.
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